Saturday, 18 September 2010


The breed standard of the St Usuge spaniel states that it is a breed that is easy to train. Here is the proof that with the right motivation this is definately true. Here's the sequence of Eshistou giving her paw, waving and giving a high five.

Le standar de l'épagneul de St Usuge dit que le chien est facile à dresser. Voici la preuve que c'est vrai si le chien est motivé. Dans ce vidéo Eshistou donne la papatte, fait coucou et fait 'tape moi en 5'

But you also shouldn't make the mistake of thinking that easy to train is a synonym of a weak personality. Eshistou definately knows her mind and knows how to let us know if she doesn't like something although it's never by showing her teeth or any other sign of aggression.

Il ne faut pas confondre facile à dresser avec faible. Eshistou sait ce qu'elle veut et elle sait nous le faire savoir sans jamais montrer ses dents ni montrer un autre signe d'agressivité quelconque.